about Grön Kulle
I have a voracious appetite for self-expression through personal style, however I also spend a lot of time in work out clothing; I'm either dressed up, or dressed way the hell down.
I wanted to bridge this gap with a jacket that was functional and warm, yet interesting; a fleece that I could wear with my leggings after a hike - that wasn’t [insert big outdoor brand], or over a vintage jumpsuit and with sneakers as easily as clogs or boots.
In wanting to feel like myself and feel cozy, Grön Kulle was born.
Inspired by:
Comfort with yourself and your surroundings | a life lived with rapt horizons | healthy boundaries | living up, living down | the goal never overshadowing the route taken
behind the name
Grön Kulle is my last name in Swedish, honoring a surprisingly high percentage of Scandinavian blood I was not aware of before an Ancestry test :)